After the recent wind and rain storm, we spent the day repairing the deer fencing around the orchard after a tree was blown over. The large tree may have damaged the deer fencing but Atlas made sure that no deer got into the orchard. What’s even better is that no fruit trees were damaged by the storm!

@islandgrownsj, #sanjuanisland, #pnwcider, #nwcider, @nwcider, #cider, #hardcider, #wacider, #drinkcider, #drinkpnw, #drinkwacider, #heritagecider, #pickcider, #drinklocal, #eatlocalfirst, #heirloomapples, #ciderapples, #perrypear, #heritagepears, #pacificnwapples, #organicfood, #Seagatefarm, @Seagatefarm